Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Looking Forward to Some Good Coffee

There is a new coffee bar opening up soon not far from us. They are building now, and plan to open in April.
I look forward to getting a nice dark roast or an espresso drink, and maybe a frap or Italian soda for my kid. Oh, and a slice of red velvet cake.


Steve said...

AWESOME! Congratulations, old friend! Couldn't be happier for you guys!

Todd R. Vick said...

I can't wait!

Chuck said...

Will you guys deliver special blends through the mail. I have found coffee companies up in Jamestown Virginia to be sub-par and am looking for a new purveyor of my favorite beverage...

Seriously...I am so excited for you and Karen and pray that God blesses your endeavor!

My captcha is glayings.

Alan said...

Open already. I'm thirsty!