I noticed the label on the other side as well, so you'll know what the package contains no matter which way you pull it out. Very thorough. You've got quite the organizer there.
Labels are a good idea. My grandma made me some cinnamon toast one time, except that what she used was not cinnamon - it was Nestea! That's what happens when you don't label stuff.
I noticed the label on the other side as well, so you'll know what the package contains no matter which way you pull it out. Very thorough. You've got quite the organizer there.
Can she come help organize my coffee mugs?
At least you label your freezer stock. In our house, it's, "Honey, what's this?"
"I don't know...could be meat...could be cake."
"Let's thaw it out and see."
Go, Harper!
Labels are a good idea. My grandma made me some cinnamon toast one time, except that what she used was not cinnamon - it was Nestea! That's what happens when you don't label stuff.
That was like the time I said, "That's not toothpaste! It's Preparation ...."
Never mind.
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