Sunday, January 20, 2008

Images from the Past

Jolly gets his American Express Card. The year was 1989, and I lived with Jolly and Terry in a little house on State Street in Cayce.
That's Randall pictured with Jolly and his AMEX card.
Shortly after this photo was taken, Jolly exclaimed, "Kick it!" and purchased a new set of drums, a Ford Mustang, and a selection of items from the 59/69/79 cents value menu at Taco Bell.


George said...

Whoowee, those were good times! As Jolly's next house-mate, I remember when he wrecked that Mustang and sold those drums. However, he never returned those Taco Bell purchases (even though one of those tacos was later found under his bed in Nashville.)

Rick said...

Exactly when did The Head of Knowledge come into play? The timeline, for me, is always kinda fuzzy.

George said...

The Head of Knowledge, unfortunately, did not provide any sound advice in the areas of finances or diet. That head traveled to Nasvhille with us, but rarely made an appearance. A large pair of briefs would occasionally appear in an unwanted place, though. Once, one of our housemates (Mike) reaced out of the shower to grab a wash cloth and accidentally grabbed a pair of Jolly's tighty whities. Apparently, because he had soap in his eyes, he didn't realize it until AFTER he'd washed his face with them. Then came the scream heard around the world.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to ole Jolly? He was such a scream! Where is he now?

James said...

Jolly's whereabouts are unknown. However, I can say that the emergence of the Head of Knowledge coindiced with this photo. If I am not mistaken, the Head was purchased with an American Express card.