Sunday, November 29, 2009

Breakfast Brunch Bunch

On Saturday, November 28, 2009, the annual gathering of the Brunch Bunch took place in South Carolina. Attendees gathered from all points and enjoyed a nice meal and fellowship with one another. There were even a few laughs, as evidenced here in this video documenting the occasion.


George said...

BRILLIANT! However, it appears that Ritter was actually enjoying the get-together the most.

Rick said...

Was just going to say the same thing. With that in mind. Todd & Alan must've had a BLAST.

Steve said...

I did enjoy it, though that heaping plate of oranges gave me a little heartburn.

Chuck said...

Classic! I wonder why I was giving Steve that "what's so funny" look?

Alan said...

I laughed so hard at the breakfast, I threw up in the bowl of oranges. Good times.